Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Editing, Rewriting, and Nothing


I don't know what my problem is, maybe it's because I'm just so tired.  My body aches, I've put in extra hours at work two days in a row now (just to find out that I may not have a job come next year), I slept an extra ten minutes on accident this morning, and I could barely keep my eyes open through most of the morning... But I've been staring at my word document for over an hour now and nothing is coming.  I can't focus on it, I can't see the bigger picture of it, I can't see how things are going together.

I need an outside voice, but of course none of my friends are available.

I'm on page... two? Which I think I just shortened to one.  I still have eighteen or nineteen pages to edit...

And what's worse... I have nothing of the first story left in the beginning and I'm thinking of cutting out more of the original...

UGH.  I get the feeling I"m not doing myself any good here...

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