Friday, December 28, 2012

No Title Available

Well it looks like jury duty is over for me.  Wednesday would be my last day and they didn't call me for it so yay! Now it's time to just... do nothing!

Not really.  I need to keep on top of my writing and I need to clean some things, finish some late Christmas gifts, and yada yada.  Finally got out to see the Hobbit though.  Not as good as Lord of the Rings or a lot of my friends cracked it up to be but still enjoyable nonetheless.

Love Thorin.

Hated the book but now I want to reread it because I'm seriously confused.  Either it's not at all how I remember it or the movie changed some things.  I can't buy the book with my gift card until I know what my friend sent me for Christmas though.  Bah!

It's ok though, I bought Wicked and Mistborn so I should finish at least one of those first anyway.

And I must say I'm pleasantly surprised by Mistborn.  I'm not too far into it but it's pretty well written and reminds me of the books I read when I was younger.  It isn't filled with a million 'was', 'were', anything ending in 'ly', or adjectives.  It's a very pleasant read and thus far an interesting enough story to keep you reading even when not much is happening.

I didn't expect good writing, and not because of the writer, the genre, or anything on the book itself.  Merely because all I'm ever recommended or find much of anymore is crap; which is not to say I'm any better when it comes to writing, but I can't read stuff like that.  Too many writing instructors have taught me how wrong it is.  And I continue to believe my teachers.

And certain rules just should not be 'worked around' or 'broken'.

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