Sunday, February 10, 2013

Another storyless day.

So I've been trying for about four hours to think up something to write, and I can't think of anything.  So as much as I hate these rants about life, here it is.

Call me emo, a whiner, needy, what have you (my friends certainly do!) but it's become quite disheartening when even my friends won't read my work.  I know I've been trying to write every night, so I don't expect them to read everything, but the longest piece I've written in this span of time is three pages.  No it's not broken up with bunches of dialogue or double spacing between paragraphs and it's size twelve times new roman font.  But I read their works.

Again, I'm not asking for every night, but a little support? To my friends who write as well, I've expressed a longing for feedback.  I'll even take a simple 'oh yeah I liked it!' at this point.  Even a 'dude it really blew!' would suffice.  And yet all I hear is 'I'm too busy' or 'oh yeah I keep meaning to but I just keep forgetting'.


You can't take fifteen minutes out of your day to read a short, less than 2,000 word story? You even gave me the prompt! I know I shouldn't cry about it, I know I should move on and just find other means of gathering an audience, but it makes me feel a little... empty.  I write to be read, I suppose.  My characters are nothing without someone to enjoy them, to feel for them, to understand them, to acknowledge them.

Somebody I was talking to, who rarely sees me, has a friend who is also trying to become a writer.  She sends off to agents and literary magazines and the like, and she finds it quite disheartening too, when someone doesn't like her work or refuses to read it, because it's a part of her.

I've mentioned my disappointments to a number of people and they just 'disappear' for a few hours or days until they have something new to talk about.  And I'm not one of those people to just 'oh you won't read my stuff? Well I won't read your stuff', because I, obviously, know what it's like.  But I really wish I had those feelings.  Well, I do have them, but I don't act upon them.  My friend spent half a day rewriting her prologue to her story and sent it to me.  It's not very long, only 1,300 some words.  I paused what I was doing to read it.  I don't expect my friends to drop what they're doing to read something of mine, but how is it they have time to spend a whole three days with friends, running around, and then get bored and 'can't find anything to do' but don't have time to read my works?

I suppose this is how it is as an artist who isn't a big name, however.

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