Wednesday, February 13, 2013

No Excuses.

Actually yes there are.  It's been a crappy day and I've felt sick on and off.  Know that's not an excuse but it's my 'day off' anyway.  I was supposed to do writer's night with a friend but decided to take my mom's advice of just coming home and relaxing after work today, so that's what I did (even fell asleep on accident). So, that's my excuse for not writing.  We changed writer's night to Saturday, but since I'm just not yet into my world enough to write that story, I will probably continue my mini-series on Saturday before trying to brainstorm my story some more.

And it's going to be a rough week.  I got bumped up to 36 hours, which I'm not complaining, it's great money and I need the hours, but work has gotten exhausting and it's only my first month.  It's not the workload, it's not the customers, it's the coworkers.  Three of them just up and disappeared today and so I got my butt chewed over it because the cars were piling up and I was the only one able to work on them and therefore unable to get them out in time.  I'm tired of this trend of coming in early and leaving late EVERY day I work (at least they've stopped calling me in on my days off, knock on wood).  I mean, I always get there early because I'm afraid of being late and just generally clock in early, but they often call me in hours early too.  And then I end up staying late because my coworkers pull stupid crap like driving off to McDonald's and so sending someone else on a test drive (which at the level he's at isn't supposed to be done and it's not like he can really relay the right information anyway) and then taking your buddy with you.

Freaking, dumb.  And on top of that feeling on and off sick and not having eaten all day, so I don't care if they're pissed that I left.  There were two cars needing to be worked on, only one that I could do, and I was supposed to be off anyway and someone else came in.

So point of that long winded story is that if I have to deal with that crap all week (five days this coming week) then finding the mood to write may be hard for me.  I used to be able to do it no matter what mood I was in, because it was my escape, but I don't just write for fun anymore.  I want to be published.  I want to do something more than just the little flash fiction/short story things I do.  But we shall see.

My goal is to write every day (which I did write today but it's actually something for my story ha!) and so I'm going to try to write every day regardless of work, but we shall see.

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