Friday, February 8, 2013


This has taken me who knows how long to write.  I'm still in the process of writing it as I write this even, hahaha.  I'm just abnormally exhausted from work tonight.  So the prompt this time was something like 'your character switches bodies with his greatest foe but as long as they are switched, they cannot kill each other.  What does your character do to his foe?' and I decided I need more mythology for my world so I made it into a myth, for practice.


In the days before the five territories of Ohqhansu, the youngest of At’s daughters and the goddess of mischief and chaos, Ain, often found herself restless and bored.  To compete with these feelings, she often played pranks on the other gods.  They were always innocent, though not always met with decent feelings.

The most famous of her pranks, involved Kep, the god of the dead, and Banai, the goddess of life.  The two had been at odds since the gods first appeared, but the tension between the two rose after the birth of Asenat, goddess of birth and reproduction.

On the day Kep decided to finally destroy his adversary, Ain found herself rather bored and switched the bodies of the god of death and the goddess of life.  She waited for the two to see her about the prank, and made sure to keep an eye on them for her own amusement.  Kep found her first, threatening and demanding she undo what she did.

She claimed she couldn’t and told him to deal with his problems on his own, but that he himself could not kill Banai in order to obtain his body back.  Knowing this, Kep set out to find an ally.  First he petitioned with Qhanf, the god of the underworld, but he was refused.  Next, he went to Lun, god of the water, but he was refused again.  Then he went to Ishak, the god of the passage of souls.

Ishak agreed, holding a grudge against Banai for her ability to keep him from guiding souls.  Kep called Banai to meet him, in order to come up with a plan to switch their bodies back.  While waiting for her, he devised a plan with Ishak, to guarantee the death of his body would not keep him trapped in this woman’s.

Ishak hid when Banai entered the room, and waited.  Kep kept his polite manner until Ishak struck, running his spear through Banai’s back.  He waited, until her soul disappeared from the body.  While Kep’s body was still warm, he separated Kep’s soul from Banai’s body and placed it in his own, injured one.

Ishak picked Kep up, taking him down to the underworld to Qhanf.  Only the dead, or the divine, are allowed to cross into the underworld, and for this, the food created must be able to sustain the dead.  And so Kep remained in the underworld, eating of the food until his wounds could be healed.

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