Thursday, February 7, 2013

My sincerest apologies

There is no writing tonight.  Normally it will be Wednesdays that I will merely blog, rather than post a story, due to writer's night and working on my actual story, but today I was highly unmotivated to work on a writer's prompt.  I got three paragraphs on it and then did a little of Ret's bio and read my friend's story's prologue (try saying that ten times fast) and decided I needed to restart mine.

Now, as much as I don't like introductions and prologues, I have decided to do a prologue on mine, merely summarizing the... something.  I'm thinking possibly Ret's story, without saying it's his story, but I'm not sure. It might just turn out to be an exercise to get myself into the story and the world but we shall see.

So that is why there will be a lack of a piece of writing today.  I did one last night since writer's night got cancelled, so consider this my 'day off' hahahah.  But I did write, I swear, just nothing yet to show for it.  Maybe when I get back from my walk.

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